Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Lost Children Of Rockdale County - 916 Words

In the video â€Å"The Lost Children of Rockdale County† produced by Dretzin and Goodman in 1999, portrays the life of teenagers engaging in peer delinquency, sexual behavior, and drugs and alcohol consumption. The video portrays the life of Nicole a 14 year old female who had engaged in sexual behavior, delinquent activity and lived under lack pf parental supervision. The General Theory of Crime and Delinquency is defined as â€Å"Motivations for crime include reinforcements for criminal activity, exposure to successful criminal models, learnijng beliefs favorable to crime† (Frailing Harper, 2013. p.156). Robert Agnew’s theory can be related into Nicole’s life, because the environment in which she grew clearly affected the five domains explained in the theory. The family domain was affected because Cindy’s (Nicole’s mother) lack of parental attachment during Nicole’s infancy affected the relationship. Nicole argues that she started t o engage in a risky behavior because she wanted to obtain her mother’s attention because her mother worked full time and didn’t had time to monitor her behavior. The parental domain is defined as the most critical aspect in relation to crime because the poor parental supervision and discipline will have an effect on the teenager’s behavior in response to the environment (peer pressure or delinquency). Nicole also stated that in middle school adolescents engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse because they experience peer pressure. The school domainShow MoreRelatedRape Is Not On The Top Of My Safety Concerns1557 Words   |  7 Pagesoverlapped. I have heard of the ovulation term used before, but I did not realize how precise in timing it is for females. 5. I truly did not find any topic controversial or incongruent with my beliefs. I can discuss that I did find The Lost Children of Rockdale County, a bit disturbing. I was disturbed that the preteens and teenagers were doing such risky behaviors and they felt it was no big deal. It amazed me how the parents remained oblivious and unaware. Another part of this class that was

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